Beware of scams impersonating bank employees at the end of the year

 Entering the end of the year, the problem of cyber fraud becomes even more serious.

According to a warning from the Department of Information Security, Ministry of Information and Communications (TT&TT), the situation of fraud in cyberspace will become more complicated in the near future.

Beware of scams impersonating bank employees at the end of the year - 1

Some fake bank websites (Screenshot).

Recently, a number of banks simultaneously issued warnings about the situation of crooks impersonating bank employees, thereby approaching customers to commit fraudulent acts of property appropriation.

Accordingly, fraudsters impersonating bank employees will approach cardholders via social networks (Zalo/Facebook) or call to advise on increasing the credit card limit.

If the customer agrees, the subject will instruct them to access the fake link, then ask the cardholder to enter personal information (including full name, phone number, credit card limit). At the same time, the crooks also ask the victim to take a double-sided photo of their ID card/ID card, credit card and provide an OTP authentication code.

After the customer provides the above information, the fraudster will perform fraudulent online transactions to appropriate money from the customer's credit card.

To avoid falling into the trap of scammers, users absolutely do not take photos of card information or send OTP security codes via any messaging application, website or to anyone (including people claiming to be teller).

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Banks said that users absolutely do not provide personal information, identification documents, or bank account information to anyone (Photo: CNet).

Besides, users also do not provide personal information, identification documents, or bank account information to anyone. Banks said they never ask customers to provide the above information.

In the unfortunate case of falling into the trap of scammers, users need to quickly contact the bank they are using to receive timely support.

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