Causing atrial fibrillation with high-frequency waves helped a 79-year-old woman escape danger

 Ms. Tran Thi Ho (79 years old, Ho Chi Minh City) entered FV Hospital with difficulty breathing, palpitations, and rapid heartbeat. Diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, FV doctors performed radiofrequency ablation of the atrial fibrillation, returning her normal heart rhythm.

Treatment of atrial fibrillation with radiofrequency waves

The old woman was discharged from the hospital healthy 1 day after atrial fibrillation ablation

Doctor Hoang Quang Minh, Department of Cardiology, FV Hospital, said that the elderly woman was brought to the FV emergency room in a state where she could barely breathe. She also has underlying diseases such as cirrhosis and high blood pressure. An electrocardiogram detected that she had atrial fibrillation - a type of arrhythmia that occurs when there is excessively rapid and irregular contraction of the atria. Immediately, doctors control atrial fibrillation with medication, then control risk factors that cause atrial fibrillation.

Radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation helped a 79-year-old woman escape danger - 1

Doctors from the Department of Cardiology, FV Hospital perform atrial fibrillation ablation technique (Photo: FV).

When her health gradually stabilized, the doctor suggested the next treatment option: radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation. The patient's overall health is assessed, and doctors create treatment plans and strategies to ensure safety at each step before performing the atrial fibrillation ablation procedure. In addition to the risk factors of old age, weak physical condition, and high blood pressure, her cirrhosis also easily causes blood clotting disorders, which are quite difficult to control during the procedure.

Ms. Ho's atrial fibrillation ablation case lasted nearly 4 hours, in which Dr. Minh spent most of the time doing important work, which was creating a 3D electro-anatomical map of the heart's chambers, to determine the location of the heart chamber. 4 pulmonary veins. Combining the use of a radiofrequency ablation machine and a cardiac electrophysiology stimulator, the team placed the device into the pulmonary vein area to ablate the electrical isolation causing atrial fibrillation.

Radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation helped a 79-year-old woman escape critical condition - 2

Doctor Hoang Quang Minh re-examined Ms. Tran Thi Ho (Photo: FV).

After the procedure, Ms. Tran Thi Ho was monitored for one day before being discharged from the hospital. At a follow-up examination in early June, the results showed that she no longer had arrhythmia. "Previously, I was often tired. After walking about 10 steps, I felt weak and short of breath. My children ran to help me because they were afraid I would fall. Since the surgery, I have gotten better, can walk and stand independently, and am no longer tired. every time we move," Ms. Ho shared.

Atrial fibrillation: the risk of stroke is 5 times higher than normal

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