Diagnose "super sensitive" pain patterns with the Q-sense device

 For patients with pain due to small fiber neuropathy, in many cases, "subtle" effects such as bright sunlight or a slight cooling sensation can cause pain and discomfort.

In the past, correctly diagnosing small fiber neuropathy was very difficult. But now a device available in Vietnam, Q-sense, has solved the above difficult problem. This "ultra-sensitive" device has been pioneered by FV Hospital to treat pain caused by small fiber neuropathy for patients in a very effective "personalized" manner recently.

Diagnose ultra-sensitive pain patterns with the Q-sense device - 1

Q-sense - Modern QST equipment helps diagnose small neurological diseases accurately and non-invasively (Photo: FV).

Small fiber neuropathy: "painful but difficult to diagnose"

Small fiber nerves are a nerve network of very small fibers under the skin, covering about 70% of the body. According to MSc. Ma Le Quan (Department of Neurology - FV Hospital), when small fiber nerves are damaged (due to pathological causes: diabetes, after chemotherapy for cancer, after shingles infection, hepatitis C ,.. or no specific cause), patients may experience symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Pain due to small fiber nerve damage is a common disease, but the level of pain and symptoms of small fiber neuropathy are not the same for each individual, however patients may experience symptoms such as: hot pain ( pain and burning sensation spreads unevenly and can appear suddenly in the affected skin areas); pain sensitivity (patient may become sensitive to light touch, temperature and pressure; even minor stimuli such as bright light, sunlight or a slight cooling sensation can can cause pain and discomfort); prickly pain (feeling like a needle or strong force penetrating the skin, characterized by a tingling feeling...).

In addition to pain symptoms, patients may suffer from autonomic nervous disorders such as changes in skin color, abnormal sweating, dry eyes and mouth, digestive disorders, palpitations...

Q-Sense: an accurate, non-invasive small fiber neuropathy diagnostic device

The Q-Sense thermal pain threshold determination device is one of the modern and effective tools for diagnosing pain due to small fiber nerve damage, present in prestigious medical practice guidelines in the world.

FV Hospital has recently applied the Q-Sense device for the first time to diagnose and treat many patients with small fiber neuropathy symptoms. Including the case of Ms. L.T (63 years old, Ho Chi Minh City) suffering from pain and numbness, loss of feeling in her legs, after chemotherapy to treat lung cancer. Doctors believe that it is a side effect of chemotherapy, affecting the nervous system, but the current method of assessing nerve function and classifying neurological diseases in Vietnam does not allow this. Get accurate results so you can treat her.

In June 2023, when she visited FV Hospital, doctors from the Pain Treatment Center examined the nerves in her legs using Q-Sense. The results showed that Ms. T. had small fiber nerve damage, with a relatively high damage threshold. From these results, doctors were able to come up with a personalized treatment regimen for small fiber neuropathic pain for Ms. T.

CKI Doctor Nguyen Nam Binh (Pain Treatment Center - FV Hospital) commented that the Q-Sense device will bring many benefits in diagnosing and treating pain for patients.

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